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Magna Wave is on the cutting edge of Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field technology (PEMF). Designed to balance, rejuvenate, and replenish diminished cellular integrity.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Magna Wave Testimonial

This horse has been poked, proded, examined, x-rayed, ultrasounded, bodyscanned, injected, and treated by all the best Vets around. And I've been treating him for about two years now. Until I got my MagnaWave Unit, nothing ever had lasting results. Below is some of his history.

I just wonder how he'd be now, if we knew back then, what we know now... ??

Fancy Cash Flasher—AKA “Spankie”

Hi Sheree,

Here is a timeline for Spankie as best as I can recall with receipts and from memory.

• I bought Spankie from Caryn —who bought him from a couple that bought Spankie from Jud Little’s production sale. The original owners that bought him—bought him as a 2 yr old. They claim that they bought the horse for their daughter for a barrel prospect. However, when I bought him....little did I know the horse had been turned out for over 6 months b/c the people claimed the daughter—quit running barrels and got involved in cutting instead. So, they just turned him out. YEAH RIGHT!!! They lived in Ohio. I still don’t know who they are and their names are NOT on his papers.

• Ok, here we go....I bought Spankie back in September of 2006. Caryn had him for 2 months to put a pattern on him.

• I brought Spankie home in November of 2006. I rode him at home and in the arena just trying to get comfortable with each other for over 2 months. I noticed once he was home that he drug his back hind feet—squaring his toes off on the hind limbs as well as he constantly would rest one or the other hind legs. I called Caryn about it and she said he was just being lazy—she thought. So, I tried to ignore it—besides those two things...there were not visible signs of lameness. He passed a Pre-Vet exam with flying colors!!!

• In mid December of 2006, I took Spankie down to River Ranch to exhibition him...while loping to the first barrel, as we approached the turn, he fell broad side—falling on his left side.

• The next day, I called Dr. Bennett out to look at the horse. He said nothing seemed to be wrong, keep riding him. Within a 2 week period, the horse seemed to me to be a little off. I called Dr. Bennett out again, he said he might have an abcess, but I never noticed one and he seemed to be getting worse. I ceased to barrel race and just tried to give him some time off.

• We tried treating him aggressively with Adequan and Legend. The horse always seemed to be slightly off. Late January 2007-early February 2007—I took the horse to the University of Florida. They took radiographs of his feet, hocks, and ultra sounded his stifles. We also did a bone scan-scintigraphy. Everything was inconclusive. They injected the hocks and stifles. Sent him home. Said Stall rest for 6 months with hand walking 10 min-20 minutes per day.

• I proceeded in March of 2007 to take Spankie to see Peggy Fleming. She gave him Detox and put him on some herbal powder. She noted the horse was extremely sore in the back—she thought horse flexed positive to both hind limbs in the stifle area.

• Around April 2007 timeframe, I had Dr. Robert Gukich look at the horse. He said he felt like the horse may never be sound. I also took the horse on several occasions to Dr. Barthle in Kissimmee, FL.

• Around the May 2007 timeframe...I went for another opinion to Dr. Craig Roberts in Gainesville, FL. He is supposibly one of the best performance horse doctors around. We went to this doctor several times. We did EPM tests-spinal fluid. We did ever test in the book for ever disease the horse could possible have. We injected the hocks and stifles again. We even did 3 separate sessions of shock wave therapy on his back as well as a power dose of adequan. Nothing worked. I finally gave up on that too.

• In June 2007, I went back to the University of Florida several different times for tons other test and radiographs. We actually ex-rayed every bone in this horses body—literally!! We ultrasounded everything we possibly could. Everything came back inconclusive. They could not pin it down to any specific thing. We finally gave up........Keep in mind the horse was on stall rest this whole time with hand walking.

• Finally in August of 2007, I took him back to UF again—still could not determine anything.

• I turned him out in the pasture from August 2007-April 2008. During this time, I paid to have him worked on by a massage lady out of Seville, FL. We did massage ever 2 wks for months..we did get some improvement, but only temporary.

• In April 2008, we went back to UF again for more ex-rays, acupunture etc.....still nothing helped.

• By May 2008—every bone had been ex-rayed, ultra sounded, etc... We went as far as western medicine could go. We also had injected every joint you could imagine as least 2 times if not 3.

• We tried steriods, legend, adequan, we tired muscle relaxers etc....we tried bute, banamine....everything....

• Off and on during this time.. I also had Sheree Still work on Spankie. Received responses with treatment, but only temporary.

• October of 2008, I took Spankie back to Peggy Fleming for months on in...From October of 2008-February. We went to Peggy every 3 weeks for treatment until March of 2009. She diagnosed him with Fibromyalgia. Treatment was only temporary.

• From late March 2009-Janurary 2010—he was turned out with no riding—maybe once or twice to gather cows. Nothing major...... Still doing treatments with Sheree Still as well as Wes Millard from Titusville, FL. Wes does cranioscraial therapy. With Wes and Sheree, he was showing moderate improvement, but again only temporary. I did 6- 8 treatments with Wes..finally quite. I continued with Sheree with acupunture and therapy. This horse has been put on every herbal joint supplement as well as any one you can think of to try to help. I even put him on “equine leg magic”, cosequin etc...

• We have been currently working on Spankie will under saddle with the new Magnawave machine. He is staying sound in longer intervals now than he ever has before. However, he still relapses from time to time. This horse has shown more improvement in the past several months with this machine than he ever has responded to any other therapy, meds etc...

• This horse still remains a mystery case, with still no definitive answers as to what is wrong with him. He still continues to rest back and forth with both hind legs, drags his feet from time to time, as well as stays sore primarily on the left hind side of his back—just before the croup area.

I hope this helps...I am sure I might be missing a few other things. This is the best I can remember.


• I have been riding Spankie since mid January of 2010 to current.
(picture doesn't do justice) Spankie's about 15'3 and 1200 lbs. Big stout, strong, beautiful horse, with a pedigree to match... but his career has been on hold due to this mystery lameness.

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