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Magna Wave is on the cutting edge of Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field technology (PEMF). Designed to balance, rejuvenate, and replenish diminished cellular integrity.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Information you'll want to know about Magna Wave PEMF

Magna Wave PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field)

  • PEMF Therapy is widely used on athletes and everyday people around the world for a wide range of conditions.
  • Magna Wave therapy stimulates the same Meridian Points as does Acupuncture. This discovery has lead to Magna Wave being used to apply stimuli to these points.
  • Magna Wave therapy is non-invasive and pain free. The device does not even need to touch your body!
  • Magna Wave therapy regenerates damaged and diseased tissue, repairs torn tendons and fractured bones.
  • Magna Wave therapy enhances the synthesis of protein in the cells, allowing the body to take advantage of all the protein available.
  • Magna Wave therapy increases the cellular level of oxygen absorption. Studies have shown that oxygen partial pressure can be increased by 200%. Insufficient oxygen in the cells causes lactic acid buildup under strenuous exercise. As a result, this treatment also reduces pain associated with lack of sufficient oxygen.
  • Magna Wave therapy is particularly effective in getting to deep muscle soreness because of its deep penetration.
  • Magna Wave therapy improves circulation, not by increasing heartbeat or blood pressure, but by opening and dilating the arteries and capillaries. This also reduces swelling.
  • Published, scientific studies abound for pulsed magnetic field therapy. PEMF therapies have been Registered by the FDA and widely used in the treatment of human delayed bone fractures for over a decade. There is also a growing body of literature concerning the biological and clinical effects of this energy. A recent study using pulsed magnetic fields confirms results of studies going back over 18 years that millions of patients have been treated safely with PEMF.
  • Time Needed for Therapy. The Magna Wave system only needs to be used for 10-15 minutes each day or weekly for each treated body part.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One approach to reducing the physiologic response to the effects of daily stress is whole body pulsed magnetic field (PEMF) therapy.

Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) on Stress

William Pawluk, MD, MSc

The very presence of life means that stress is also present. The recognition of and the reaction to stressors is fundamental to physical and emotional existence. Our reactions to stressors are either healthy, that is adaptive, or unhealthy, that is maladaptive. Maladaptive reactions to stress created physical and psychological damage, if either too large to withstand or too frequent to recover from. An example of an adaptive physiologic response is perspiring when the body temperature increases. This response becomes maladaptive, or harmful, when the body is not able to perspire or if the stress continues too long and bodily fluids are not replenished. Stressors may also be psychological or mental. Again, the reaction may be helpful or harmful. For most of us, the use of the term "stress" refers most often to the negative psychological or physiological responses to life's stimuli.

The original human need for a stress response was adaptive, called the "fight or flight" response8. Typically, this response allowed us to engage a threat, such as an attacking animal. In modern Western civilization, the most common daily stressors are minor psychological events, such as, an angry client on the telephone or the tension of driving in heavy traffic. Even these seemingly minor occurrences produce a low-level "fight or flight" reaction in the body. The cumulative or chronic occurrence of these stressors does not allow adequate or full recovery and results in many of modern civilization's health problems.

The stress response causes the brain to release chemicals that stimulate the nervous system. Adrenaline is pumped into the bloodstream along with extra sugar and fact, from body stores, for energy to fuel muscles. Mental activity is focused, some organs slow their activity, while others accelerate it, the muscles tense up, the breeding rate increases, there may be tightness in the chest and queasiness in the stomach. In a high stress state, most of these reactions will be present. In a lower stress state only one or several may be present and in varying degrees.

Many believe that a healthy human body could be able to live as long as 120 years before organs gradually slow down and stop. Stress accelerates the decline by actually damaging some organs and accelerating the wear and tear on others. It is easy to see how this chronic state of stress may accelerate aging and cause heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis, fatigue, immune problems, adjustment disorders and anxiety and depression. Many physicians believe that 70 to 90 percent of the problems they treat are due to stress.

Environmental effects on the development of nervous system and endocrine responses to stress can last throughout life, and the differences in environmental experiences of each individual, partially contribute to individual differences in vulnerability to stress-induced illness. A cascade of neural processes induced by aspects of an individual's early environment may lead to lifelong individual variability and may either enhance or reduce vulnerability to damage in later life.

Some of the physiologic reactions to stress are: muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, diarrhea or constipation, increased gastric acid, high blood pressure, increased ACTH, increased to drown, exaggerated mental alertness, increased blood sugar, increased fat, dry mouth, increased insulin, increased thyroid hormone and immune changes.

The physical problems that can result from stress are: insomnia, nervous irritability, headaches, Atherosclerosis, hypertension, irritable bowel, gastritis, arrhythmias, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, fatigue, substance abuse, immune deficiencies, asthma, skin problems, allergies, muscle spasms, neuralgias, vision changes, hyperventilation, dehydration, sudden cardiac death, vasospasm, increased cholesterol, increased platelets, decreased oxygen, appetite problems, accelerated auto immune problems increased actually, miscarriages decreased libido, impotence, menstrual changes, disturbed memory, among others.

Clearly not all of these problems happen to everybody under stress. They happen to varying degrees depending on genetics, environmental experiences and the level and duration of the stress. Most of us throughout our lifetimes will develop at least some of the above problems.

There are many approaches to preventing and managing stress reactions. Once a stress reaction is initiated it is difficult to turn off immediately. The reaction is immediate but the recovery takes hours to days. Since the effects of stress are cumulative, a daily routine of reducing the physiologic response becomes necessary to ward off long-term damage. One approach to reducing the physiologic response to the effects of daily stress is whole body pulsed magnetic field (PEMF) therapy.

Humans are very sensitive to magnetic fields (MFs). Physiologic changes were seen during solar storms in healthy humans, patients with cardio-vascular diseases and cosmonauts in SOYUZ spacecraft and the MIR space station21. They had nonspecific adaptive stress reactions, with increased cortisone secretion and activation of the sympathoadrenal system (SAS) and suppressed production of melatonin.

Much experimental evidence has been gathered to suggest that biological systems are highly sensitive to weak generated PEMFs and PEMFs have a wide range of biologic effects in almost all biologic systems. Since experiments are difficult to do in humans, much work has been done in animals. PEMF inhibited the activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system (SAS) and prevented a decrease in nonspecific resistance26 . Plasma catecholamines, chemical messengers associated with increased sympathetic arousal, decreased through modulation of hypothalamic function and increased urine excretion of epinephrine. Long term use of weak PEMFs may be able to remodel tissues that tend to be hyper-reactive to chronic or acute stress so that over time they will be less reactive.

Stress activation of the SAS in rats changes (nor)adrenaline in the hypothalamus, adrenal glands, plasma and urine. PEMFs decrease activation of the SAS by decreasing plasma and urine catecholamines 27. The excitability of the nervous sytem also decreases and emotional reactions accompanying stress are corrected.

Environmental stressors, such as heat or sunlight, affect cellular homeostasis10. Thermal stressors and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) interact to induce intracellular heat stress proteins (hsp), protective proteins in the cell. PEMFs can be used preventively prior to heat, toxicity or injury to prevent cellular harm and thus increase cellular stress resistance and reduce cellular stress responses. These proteins are induced by numerous other stimuli, including heavy metals and oxidative stress15.

This phenomenon could be exploited as a beneficial presurgical cardiovascular treatment. This has been borne out in studies that have shown that cardiotoxic effects, such as occur during cardiac surgery, may be prevented by preconditioning with PEMFs. Stimulating the cardiac cell with PEMFs may provide for it protection from injury, including cardiac surgery or heart attack. Similarly, heat pre-treatment can result in significantly improved heart salvage following coronary artery bypass grafting15. Other potentially therapeutic applications include protection against viral infections, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, and to support the stress response in the elderly, by counteracting the normal loss of the stress response during aging.

Originally, PEMFs were primarily considered as activating metabolic processes in the immediate tissues exposed. However, exposure of endocrine glands and control centers of the nervous system triggered broader natural control processes of homeostasis35. Lower dosing of the thyroid area produced a similar response vs only stronger local area exposure, eg, the heart in ischemia. This approach promoted elimination of hemodynamic and hypoxic disorders in the heart and restored adrenal hormones. In experimental hepatitis, microwave PEMFs to the thyroid were more effective in restoring liver function than exposing the liver itself. Local exposure of adrenals in patients with rheumatoid arthritis activated production of glucocorticoids and made lymphocytes function normally. This work confirmed that an adaptation to short-term (or weak) stressor factors increases the resistivity of the organism to severe stressors, including low temperatures, physical load, ischemic heart necrosis, ionizing radiation, etc.

Stress causes a very quick and significant decrease in white blood cell counts, creating a sudden state of immune vulnerability and increases serum cortisol two to three-fold. PEMFs modulate host resistance12 by also enhancing some immune functions. Neutrophils increase gradually and neutrophil metabolsim and superoxide production are increased significantly. The cortisone level decreases. PEMF also improves host immunologic defense and splenic cell counts in mice13, indicating a protective effect.

Ascorbic acid (AA) is key to the antioxidant, neuroendocrine and immune mechanisms of stress adaptation34. PEMFs cause AA and serotonin (S) to increase nearly 2-fold by the 30th day of exposure. By the 90th day, AA concentration recovered to the initial (pre-exposure) value, while S content still remained significantly increased.

PEMF effects were evaluated in athletes4. Decimeter wave therapy (DMW) of adrenal, thyroid gland, or collar areas favorably affect immune status and production of hormones, specifically, T-lymphocytes, testosterone and growth hormone, and decrease circulating B-lymphocytes, cortisol and decreased the initially elevated levels of thyroid hormones. The benefits were therefore high resistance to diseases and a high working capacity.

In some animal species, such as rabbits, emotional stress increases lethality. PEMFs increase resistance of the rabbits to stress: lethality was lowered by 1.9 times7.

Pain is a major stressor. Pain inhibition (i.e. analgesia) is consistently affected by exposure to PEMFs in various species of animals, including: land snails, laboratory mice, deer mice, pigeons, as well as humans20.

Use of PEMFs on acupuncture points produces anti-stress benefits16. PEMFs act like electroacupuncture (EA). The stress responses induced by painful tooth pulp stimulation in rats was reduced by electroacupuncture (EA)11. Nor/epinephrine, dopamine, ACTH, and cortisone all decreased. Stress-induced elevation of blood pressure was not seen when EA was used. Millimeter wave (MMW) exposure of an acupuncture point affects heart rate and heart rate variability and lability of central nervous system (CNS) processes16. Test subjects had increased lability of central nervous system (CNS) before and after physical exercise. In people with parasympathetic predominance, exercise increased both heart rate and its variability. With sympathetic predominance, individual reactions to exercise varied greatly. MMWs helped recovery of the heart rhythm after exercise in parasympathetic toned individuals, but not consistently in sympathetic predominance.

Stress induces neuronal atrophy and death in the brain, especially in the hippocampus. Alterations in the expression of neurotrophic factors are implicated in stress-induced hippocampal degeneration33. EA stimulation significantly restored neurotrophic factors.

One group studied the effects of PEMFs and constant magnetic fields3. Weak PEMFs were antitumorigenic, protective (in relation to toxic agents and Xray radiation), and produced rejuvenation effects in cases where there was a state of stress.

Stress in rats can lead to breakdown of elastin and collagen fibers in serum, heart muscle, cerebral cortex and liver29. PEMFs modulated elastase-inhibitory activity in all tissues with exposures to frontomastoid area of the head or paravertebrally, alone or incombination with laser, infrared exposure or static magnetic field (SMF). High laser strength and the combination of laser with SMF decreased the stress reaction. The use of the combination of infrared laser + SMF + PEMF had a stress-limiting effect and enhanced elastase-inhibitory activity.

Heart rate variability (HRV) results from a complex interplay of neural and hormonal control mechanisms. Changes in HRV has been associated with increased risk of severe arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death in patients with recent myocardial infarction. Human volunteers had their heart rate variability tested with PEMF exposures22. Heart-rates were slowed. Sinusoidal continuous waveform seemed to be more effective at producing this effect than intermittent or square-wave current waveforms. Some individuals may be more sensitive to or alternately more consistent in producing these field-induced changes in HR and HRV than others. This effect apperas to be a modulation of the threshold properties of the cardiac pacemaker, the Sino-Atrial Node, giving rise to greater beat-to-beat variability. In another series of double-blind studies it was also found that PEMFs altered the normal variability inherent in human cardiac rhythm24,25. Intermittent exposure ( as opposed to intermittent waves) is more effective than continuous exposure.

Millimeter waves (MMW) increase resistance and ameliorate stress in animals14. When healthy 20 to 24 yr old humans had MMWs applied to the outer hand, improved heart rate variability (HRV). MMWs prevented or reduced stress related heart rate changes. Stress-induced EEG changes were suppression of alpha rhythm, increased theta, and other decreases in bioelectric activity. EEG rhythms with MMW treatment were the opposite. In another study of MMW exposure28 all stressed animals had precipitous decreases of non-specific resistance, activation of lipid peroxidation. Normal control animals exposed to MMWs showed a 10-15% increase in neutrophil metabolism and increased thalamic and hypothalamic thiol exchange. The abnormal changes in stressed animals were reversed by MMW.

Static magnetic fields (SMFs) act on rabbit sinocarotid baroreceptors by reducing blood pressure by vasodilation and heart rate6. The effects were attributed to changes in cell membrane calcium ion (Ca++) transport since they were abolished by treatment with verapamil, a potent Ca++ channel blocker. A more pronounced effect occurs with stronger fields. The stimulated baroreceptors reset sympathetic tone. In humans, SMFs over the right and left carotid sinuses, also improved HRV vs shams and controls5. The effects were of minimal clinical significance in healthy subjects but could be very significant in individuals with cardiovascular disease with abnormal HRV. In other work, strong SMFs induced a vagotonic state18.

Application of the PEMF signal resulted in the several apparently related long-lasting localized effects being observed in certain tissues: an increase in blood volume, an increase in oxygen partial pressure (PO2), persistent increases in pH (reduced acidity), increase in respiration amplitude, decrease in heart rate and changes in blood pressure30. The magnitude of these effects in the human subjects showed significant inter-individual variability. The effects were observed to be modulated by changes in the level of blood acidity, as indicated by measurements of lactic acid and pyruvic acid concentration, carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2), and hydrogen ion (H+) concentration. This meant that the PEMF effects would be increased during periods of high muscle activity, after drinking alcohol, while sleeping, or after inhaling CO2. Conditions that promoted alkalosis such as hyperventilation and eating large meals could be expected to reduce the magnitude of the effects.

Extremely low-frequency (ELF) pulsed magnetic fields (PMFs) affect blood vessels. Head and thorax exposure to ELF PMFs induced dilation of the larger blood vessels in these areas and increased oxygen partial pressure31. PMFs having a variety of pulse shapes, amplitudes, and repetition rates that were applied to the neck of human volunteers showed that these stimuli could alter the respiration cycle, heart rate, blood pressure, and vessel perfusion. Although these effects showed wide variability and poor reproducibility, they were, nonetheless, attributed to a decrease in central nervous system (CNS) activity and a local increase in sympathetic activity.

1. Arnetz, B. B.; Berg, M.; Liden, S. Job stress and "hypersensitivity to electricity". First World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, 14-19 June, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 1992.

2. Friedman, E. H.; Arnetz, B. B.; Berg, M. Neurobiology of techno-stress (letter and reply). J Occup Med 35(3):315, 1993.

3. Garkavi, L. Kh.; Kvakina, E. B.; Shikhliarova, A. I.; Kuz'menko, T. S.; Barsukova, L. P.; Mar'ianovskaia, G. Ia.; Sheika, E. A.; Evstratova, O. F.; Zhukova, G. V. Magnetic fields, adaptation reaction and self-organization of living systems. Biofizika 41(4):898-905, 1996.

4. Gigineishvili, G. R.; Dombrovskaya, I. I.; Belousov, A. Yu.; Kirova, E. I.; Orekhova, E. M.; Radzievskii, S. A.; Liubimskaya, L. I. USE OF PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR FASTER RESTORATION AND INCREASING OF WORKING CAPACITY IN SPORTSMEN. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult (5):2530, 1995.



7. Gorbunova, A. V.; Petrova, N. V.; Portugalov, V. V.; Sudakov, S. K. Acute experimental emotional stress in rabbits exposed to modulated electromagnetic fields. Izv Akad Nauk SSSR [Biol] (5):774-780, 1981.

8. Goudey, P. The Unofficial Guide to Beating Stress. IDG Books, Foster City, California, 2000.

9. Graham, C.; Sastre, A.; Cook, M. R.; Gerkovich, M. M. NOCTURNAL MAGNETIC FIELD EXPOSURE: GENDER-SPECIFIC EFFECTS ON HEART RATE VARIABILITY AND SLEEP. Clin Neurophysiol 111(11):1936-1941, 2000.

10. Gutzeit, H. O. INTERACTION OF STRESSORS AND THE LIMITS OF CELLULAR HOMEOSTASIS. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 283(4):721-725, 2001.

11. Han, S-H.; Yoon, S-H.; Cho, Y-W.; Kim, C-J.; Min, B-I. Inhibitory effects of electroacupuncture on stress responses evoked by tooth-pulp stimulation in rats. Physiol Behav 66(2):217-222, 1999.

12. Isaeva, E. N.; Fomicheva, E. E.; Pivanovich, I. Yu.; Nemirovich-Danchenko, E. A.; Korneva, E. A.; Barnes, F. S. Effect of electromagnetic fields exposure on stress-induced neutrophils activity changes. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 22nd Annual Meeting, 11-16 June, Munich, Germany, 2000.

13. Korneva, H. A.; Grigoriev, V. A.; Isaeva, E. N.; Kaloshina, S. M.; Barnes, F. S. EFFECTS OF LOW-LEVEL 50 Hz MAGNETIC FIELDS ON THE LEVEL OF HOST DEFENSE AND ON SPLEEN COLONY FORMATION. Bioelectromagnetics 20(1):57-63, 1999.


15. Litovitz, T. A.; Di Carlo, A.; Penafiel, M.; Farrell, J. M. Protection against anoxia is conferred by weak 60 hz magnetic fields. Annual Review of Research on Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from the Generation, Delivery and Use of Electricity, 9-13 November, San Diego, CA., 1997.

16. Lukianova, O. N.; Kolbun, N. D. POSSIBLE USE OF MICROWAVE RADIATION FOR RELAXATION AFTER A PHYSICAL LOAD. Fundamental and Applied Aspects of the Use of Millimeter Electromagnetic Radiation in Medicine. Abstracts of the 1st All-Union Symposium with International Participation. Kiev, Ukraine, 1989.

17. Lyskov, E.; Sandstrom, M.; Hansson Mild, K. NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF PATIENTS WITH PERCEIVED 'ELECTRICAL HYPERSENSITIVITY'. Int J Psychophysiol 42(3):233-241, 2001.

18. Nakagawa, M. CHANGES IN THE HUMAN ECG AND HRV IN STATIC MAGNETIC FIELDS UP TO 1 TESLA. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 22nd Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 2000.

19. Nemeroff, C.B., et al. Pathophysiological Basis of Psychiatric Disorders: Focus on Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia. In Tasman: Psychiatry, 1st ed, p 289ff, 1997 W. B. Saunders Company.

20. Prato, F. S.; Choleris, E.; Thomas, A. W.; Moran, G. R. Behavioural stress responses of mice may be sensitive to weak, ambient elf magnetic fields on the order of 0.1 uT. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 23rd Annual Meeting, 11-14 June, St. Paul, MN, 2001.

21. Rapoport, S. I.; Boldypakova, T. D.; Malinovskaia, N. K.; Oraevskii, V. N.; Meshcheriakova, S. A.; Breus, T. K.; Sosnovskii, A. M. MAGNETIC STORMS AS A STRESS FACTOR. Biophysics 43(4):596-602 Biofizika 43(4):632-639, 1998.

22. Sait, M. L.; Wood, A. W. EFFECTS OF 50 Hz MAGNETIC FIELDS ON HUMAN HEART RATE AND RATE VARIABILITY. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 20th Annual Meeting, 7-11 June, St. Pete Beach, FL, 1998.


24. Sastre, A.; Cook, M. R.; Graham, C.; Hoffman, S. J. MODIFICATION OF HUMAN CARDIAC RHYTHM DURING MAGNETIC FIELD EXPOSURE: A REPLICABLE BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE. Annual Review of Research on Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from the Generation, Delivery and Use of Electricity, Albuquerque, NM, U.S. DOE, 1994.

25. Sastre, A.; Graham, C.; Cook, M. R.; Hoffman, S. J.; Gerkovich, M. M. HUMAN HEART RATE VARIABILITY IN MAGNETIC FIELDS: CONTINUOUS VERSUS INTERMITTENT EXPOSURE. Annual Review of Research on Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from the Generation, Delivery and Use of Electricity, 12-16 November, Palm Springs, CA, p. 49-50, 1995.

26. Temur'iants, N. A. Several mechanisms of adaptation to combined action of weak varying magnetic fields and hypokinesia. Aviakosm Ekolog Med 29(6):49-54, 1995.

27. Temur'iants, N. A.; Mikhailov, A. V.; Maligina, V. I.; Tishkin, O. O.; Nasilevitch, V. A.; Kaminina, I. B. Antistressor effects of weak variable magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 20th Annual Meeting, 7-11 June, St. Pete Beach, FL.

28. Temur'iants, N.; Martynyuk, V. S.; Chuyan, E. N.; Tumanyants, E. N.; Moskovchuk, O. B.; Vernadskiy, V. I. STRESS-LIMITING EFFECT OF LOW INTENSITY ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN THE MILLIMETER DIAPAZONE. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 23rd Annual Meeting, 11-14 June, St. Paul, MN, 2001.

29. Varakina, N. I. ELASTASE-INHIBITORY ACTIVITY OF DIFFERENT TISSUES AFTER LOW- AND HIGH FREQUENCY EXPOSURES. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 22nd Annual Meeting, 11-16 June, Munich, Germany, 2000.

30. Warnke, U. ELF-PULSATING MAGNETIC FIELD (PMF)- INDUCED ADEQUATE STIMULATION OF BARORECEPTORS. Hungarian Symposium on Magnetotherapy, 2nd symposium, Szekesfehervar, Hungary, 1987.



33. Yun, S. J.; Park, H. J.; Yeom, M. J.; Hahm, D. H.; Lee, H. J.; Lee, E. H. Effect of electroacupuncture on the stress-induced changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in rat hippocampus. Neurosci Lett 318(2):85-88, 2002.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Magna Wave Testimonial

This horse has been poked, proded, examined, x-rayed, ultrasounded, bodyscanned, injected, and treated by all the best Vets around. And I've been treating him for about two years now. Until I got my MagnaWave Unit, nothing ever had lasting results. Below is some of his history.

I just wonder how he'd be now, if we knew back then, what we know now... ??

Fancy Cash Flasher—AKA “Spankie”

Hi Sheree,

Here is a timeline for Spankie as best as I can recall with receipts and from memory.

• I bought Spankie from Caryn —who bought him from a couple that bought Spankie from Jud Little’s production sale. The original owners that bought him—bought him as a 2 yr old. They claim that they bought the horse for their daughter for a barrel prospect. However, when I bought him....little did I know the horse had been turned out for over 6 months b/c the people claimed the daughter—quit running barrels and got involved in cutting instead. So, they just turned him out. YEAH RIGHT!!! They lived in Ohio. I still don’t know who they are and their names are NOT on his papers.

• Ok, here we go....I bought Spankie back in September of 2006. Caryn had him for 2 months to put a pattern on him.

• I brought Spankie home in November of 2006. I rode him at home and in the arena just trying to get comfortable with each other for over 2 months. I noticed once he was home that he drug his back hind feet—squaring his toes off on the hind limbs as well as he constantly would rest one or the other hind legs. I called Caryn about it and she said he was just being lazy—she thought. So, I tried to ignore it—besides those two things...there were not visible signs of lameness. He passed a Pre-Vet exam with flying colors!!!

• In mid December of 2006, I took Spankie down to River Ranch to exhibition him...while loping to the first barrel, as we approached the turn, he fell broad side—falling on his left side.

• The next day, I called Dr. Bennett out to look at the horse. He said nothing seemed to be wrong, keep riding him. Within a 2 week period, the horse seemed to me to be a little off. I called Dr. Bennett out again, he said he might have an abcess, but I never noticed one and he seemed to be getting worse. I ceased to barrel race and just tried to give him some time off.

• We tried treating him aggressively with Adequan and Legend. The horse always seemed to be slightly off. Late January 2007-early February 2007—I took the horse to the University of Florida. They took radiographs of his feet, hocks, and ultra sounded his stifles. We also did a bone scan-scintigraphy. Everything was inconclusive. They injected the hocks and stifles. Sent him home. Said Stall rest for 6 months with hand walking 10 min-20 minutes per day.

• I proceeded in March of 2007 to take Spankie to see Peggy Fleming. She gave him Detox and put him on some herbal powder. She noted the horse was extremely sore in the back—she thought horse flexed positive to both hind limbs in the stifle area.

• Around April 2007 timeframe, I had Dr. Robert Gukich look at the horse. He said he felt like the horse may never be sound. I also took the horse on several occasions to Dr. Barthle in Kissimmee, FL.

• Around the May 2007 timeframe...I went for another opinion to Dr. Craig Roberts in Gainesville, FL. He is supposibly one of the best performance horse doctors around. We went to this doctor several times. We did EPM tests-spinal fluid. We did ever test in the book for ever disease the horse could possible have. We injected the hocks and stifles again. We even did 3 separate sessions of shock wave therapy on his back as well as a power dose of adequan. Nothing worked. I finally gave up on that too.

• In June 2007, I went back to the University of Florida several different times for tons other test and radiographs. We actually ex-rayed every bone in this horses body—literally!! We ultrasounded everything we possibly could. Everything came back inconclusive. They could not pin it down to any specific thing. We finally gave up........Keep in mind the horse was on stall rest this whole time with hand walking.

• Finally in August of 2007, I took him back to UF again—still could not determine anything.

• I turned him out in the pasture from August 2007-April 2008. During this time, I paid to have him worked on by a massage lady out of Seville, FL. We did massage ever 2 wks for months..we did get some improvement, but only temporary.

• In April 2008, we went back to UF again for more ex-rays, acupunture etc.....still nothing helped.

• By May 2008—every bone had been ex-rayed, ultra sounded, etc... We went as far as western medicine could go. We also had injected every joint you could imagine as least 2 times if not 3.

• We tried steriods, legend, adequan, we tired muscle relaxers etc....we tried bute, banamine....everything....

• Off and on during this time.. I also had Sheree Still work on Spankie. Received responses with treatment, but only temporary.

• October of 2008, I took Spankie back to Peggy Fleming for months on in...From October of 2008-February. We went to Peggy every 3 weeks for treatment until March of 2009. She diagnosed him with Fibromyalgia. Treatment was only temporary.

• From late March 2009-Janurary 2010—he was turned out with no riding—maybe once or twice to gather cows. Nothing major...... Still doing treatments with Sheree Still as well as Wes Millard from Titusville, FL. Wes does cranioscraial therapy. With Wes and Sheree, he was showing moderate improvement, but again only temporary. I did 6- 8 treatments with Wes..finally quite. I continued with Sheree with acupunture and therapy. This horse has been put on every herbal joint supplement as well as any one you can think of to try to help. I even put him on “equine leg magic”, cosequin etc...

• We have been currently working on Spankie will under saddle with the new Magnawave machine. He is staying sound in longer intervals now than he ever has before. However, he still relapses from time to time. This horse has shown more improvement in the past several months with this machine than he ever has responded to any other therapy, meds etc...

• This horse still remains a mystery case, with still no definitive answers as to what is wrong with him. He still continues to rest back and forth with both hind legs, drags his feet from time to time, as well as stays sore primarily on the left hind side of his back—just before the croup area.

I hope this helps...I am sure I might be missing a few other things. This is the best I can remember.


• I have been riding Spankie since mid January of 2010 to current.
(picture doesn't do justice) Spankie's about 15'3 and 1200 lbs. Big stout, strong, beautiful horse, with a pedigree to match... but his career has been on hold due to this mystery lameness.