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Magna Wave Blog Mission

Magna Wave is on the cutting edge of Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field technology (PEMF). Designed to balance, rejuvenate, and replenish diminished cellular integrity.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In search of increased energy and endurance?

I have been wearing one of these wrist bands for two weeks and I cannot believe the improvement in exercise energy and endurance. This could be a great back end product in your practice. Products are available for retail or as an affiliate. Earn 25% on referral sales. Would you like to talk with me about this opportunity?
I think you will enjoy this video demonstration at Florida State University.

Ali Nilforushan, Champion Rider, talks about Magna Wave

Do you use outside therapy services for your horses?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Magna Wave and Gout.

The information below was posted by one of our Magna Wave practitioners. It is always rewarding to hear how our friends and associates are using their machines and the results they receive.

Mary Jo Trotter, Hey Pat! I've used the Magna Wave on my husband the last two times he felt his gout coming on - got to get it early. First time it "steered it off" and he hardly got anything, this last time (we were...vacationing) it helped about 90%. BUT he also continued to have a few brews. 2 days later he was playing tennis! Anyone else using it for this?? If not, should be!!!!! Forgot to add, that was with NO medication.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Welcome to the Magna Wave Video Blog

Understanding device differences.

There are major differences among different PEMF devices. These differences may be very important in what is being treated. There are distinct differences in the effects of devices at various frequency ranges and intensities. Become familiar with device characteristics in order to know what it’s best for and how best to use it. Find an expert to guide you in its best use. We are always available to answer your inquiries about Magna Wave.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sensitivity to Magna Wave sessions.

Sensitivity to Magna Wave therapy happens in about 1-5% of individuals. This is usually a result of high body toxicity. This sensitivity often decreases as toxicity levels are returned to normal. Because of this potential it is best to start low and with caution and proceed slowly with the amount of time of daily use and use of low field intensities, with only very gradual increases. Client comfort is the key; the therapy is working even if the client cannot feel the Magna Wave pulse.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Magna Wave PEMF is said to improve muscle energy.

Muscle energy is improved with Magna Wave magnetic fields through myosin phosphorylation, among other processes.

Columbia Encyclopedia:
phosphorylation, chemical process in which a phosphate group is added to an organic molecule. In living cells phosphorylation is associated with respiration, which takes place in the cell's mitochondria, and photosynthesis, which takes place in the chloroplasts. The energy released during metabolic or photosynthetic processes is captured in the energy-rich phosphate bonds of certain molecules, most commonly in the high-energy bonds of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In the process of oxidative phosphorylation ATP formation is associated with respiratory uptake of oxygen.

Monday, July 12, 2010

It’s easier and quicker to move an ion than to rebuild a tissue.

Magna Wave magnetic fields affect charge at the cell membrane and open membrane channels – of all cells. This helps to re balance and restore cell function. Restore enough cells and tissues will function better.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Good nutrition enhances Magna Wave PEMF Success.

The effect of Magna Wave PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field) sessions are enhanced when body toxicity is low and nutrition is stable. It is hard to heal depleted tissues. Nutrition needs to be sound and supplements may be very helpful. Since many MF effects are mediated through ions, especially calcium, sodium, and potassium, these ions and electrolytes need to be at normal levels in the body.

Friday, July 9, 2010

How Magna Wave avoids treatment tolerance.

The use of single frequencies for long periods may lead to tolerance, with resulting “escape” from or loss of a benefit previously experienced. For example, that the scent of a rose in room is no longer perceived after some time is spent in the same room even though the rose is still there. Because of this Magna Wave uses different intensities and direction of application in order to avoid tolerance. Being able to continue treatments in this manner prolongs the effects and improves overall results.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Magna Wave PEMF provides quick results.

High Voltage PEMF is very quick in providing results. You can often achieve results in minutes that would take days or week with low powered devices or static magnets. For static magnets to be kept on the body comfortably, easily and long enough is often the biggest challenge in getting acceptance for their use, especially in people who have limited patience or lack enough understanding of their potential value.